3rd edition of the ENVRIplus Newsletter is now ready. This issue gives an overview of several ENVRIplus results and products as well as relevant news and events.
We hope you enjoy reading it!
Current Newsletter together with all the previous issues is available at: http://www.envriplus.eu/dissemination/
Links to Newsletter articles:
A summary of consistent characterization of existing and planned Research Infrastructures by Alex Vermeulen
Mapping international Research Infrastructures: RISCAPE by Ari Asmi
EISCAT_3D: Our eye on the environment between earth and space by Anders Tjulin
Deep-sea Spy: an on-line image annotation tool for citizen scientists developed in the frame of ENVRIplus by Marjolaine Matabos together with Julie Tourolle and Jozée Sarrazin
The EPL-RADIO project (co-funded by ENVRIplus) by Pasquale Sellitto together with Giuseppe Salerno and Pierre Briole