The latest list of the ENVRI community related publications can be also found on ZENODO.
Petzold, Andreas; Asmi, Ari; Vermeulen, Alex; Pappalardo, Gelsomina; Bailo, Daniele; Schaap, Dick; M. Glaves, Helen; Bundke, Ulrich; Zhao, Zhiming: ENVRI-FAIR – Interoperable environmental FAIR data and services for society, innovation and research, IEEE International Conference on eScience 2019 (eScience2019), San Diego, 24-27, Oct 2019,
Andreas Petzold, Ari Asmi, Daniela Franz and Magdalena Brus: Providing environmental FAIR data and services for society, innovation and research. The European Project ENVRI-FAIR, The EPOS Newsletter issue 03, July 2019 | Article 01
Magdalena Brus; Andreas Petzold; Ingrid Puillat; Werner Kutsch: COVID-19 – why multidisciplinary environmental research matters
ENVRI community response to the Corona virus outbreak
Ari Asmi, Andreas Petzold | ENVRI-FAIR – the next step towards FAIRer environmental research | American Geophysical Union Conference Abstracts | 12/2018
Andreas Petzold, Helen Glaves: ENVRI-FAIR – the next step towards FAIRer environmental research | European Geophysical Union, Geophysical Research Abstracts | 04/2019
Andreas Petzold, Ari Asmi, Daniela Franz, Helen Glaves: Crossing the Subdomain Boundaries of Applied Earth System Science in ENVRI-FAIR | American Geophysical Union Conference Abstracts | 12/2019
Ari Asmi, Daniela Franz, Andreas Petzold: Building the Foundations for Open Applied Earth System Science in ENVRI-FAIR | European Geophysical Union, Geophysical Research Abstracts | 05/2020
Zhao, Z., Hellstrom., M.: Towards interoperable research infrastructures for environmental and earth sciences | Book, Springer LNCS State of the art survey series | 07/2020
Uriarte, R.B., Zhou, H., Kritikos, K., Shi, Z., Zhao, Z., De Nicola, R.: Distributed service‐level agreement management with smart contracts and blockchain | Concurrency Computat Pract Exper | 05/2020
Hana Pergl Sustkova, Kristina Maria Hettne, Peter Wittenburg, Annika Jacobsen, Tobias Kuhn, Robert Pergl, Jan Slifka, Peter McQuilton, Barbara Magagna, Susanna-Assunta Sansone, Markus Stocker, Melanie Imming, Larry Lannom, Mark Musen, and Erik Schultes: FAIR Convergence Matrix: Optimizing the Reuse of Existing FAIR-Related Resources. | Data Intelligence, 158–170 | 01/2020
Annika Jacobsen, Ricardo de Miranda Azevedo, Nick Juty, et al.: FAIR Principles: Interpretations and Implementation Considerations | Data Intelligence, 10-29 | 01/2020
Hu, Y., de Laat, C., Zhao, Z.: Optimizing Service Placement for Microservice Architecture in Clouds Applied Sciences | 10/2019
Hu, Y., Zhou, H., de Laat, C., Zhao, Z.: Concurrent container scheduling on heterogeneous clusters with multi-resource constraints | Future Generation Computer systems | 01/2020
Martin, P., Remy, L., Theodoridou, M., Jeffery, K., Zhao, Z.: Mapping heterogeneous research infrastructure metadata into a unified catalogue for use in a generic virtual research environment | Future Generation Computer Systems | 10/2019
Zhou, H., Ouyang, X., Su, J., Laat, C., Zhao, Z.: Enforcing trustworthy cloud SLA with witnesses: A game theory–based model using smart contracts | Concurrency Computat Pract Exper. | 09/2019
Taal, A., Wang, J., de Laat, C., Zhao, Z.: Profiling the scheduling decisions for handling critical paths in deadline-constrained cloud workflows | Future Generation Computer Systems. 100, 237–249 | 11/2019
Liao, X., Zhao, Z.: Unsupervised Approaches for Textual Semantic Annotation: A Survey | ACM Comput. Surv | 08/2019
Liao, X., Bottelier, J., Zhao, Z.: A Column Styled Composable Schema Matcher for Semantic Data-Types | Data Science Journal | 06/2019
Shi, Z., Zhou, H., Surbiryala, J., Hu, Y., de Laat, C., Zhao, Z.: An Automated Customization and Performance Profiling Framework for Permissioned Blockchains in a Virtualized Environment | In: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom). pp. 404–410. | IEEE, Sydney, Australia | 12/2019
Fahrenfort, C., Zhao, Z.: Effective Digital Object Access and Sharing Over a Networked Environment using DOIP and NDN | In: 2019 15th International Conference on eScience (eScience). pp. 632–633. IEEE, San Diego, CA, USA | 09/2019
Ahanach, E. el K., Koulouzis, S., Zhao, Z.: Contextual Linking between Workflow Provenance and System Performance Logs | In: 2019 15th International Conference on eScience (eScience). pp. 634–635. | IEEE, San Diego, CA, USA | 09/2019
Zhou, H., Shi, Z., Hu, Y., Donkers, P., Afanasyev, A., Koulouzis, S., Taal, A., Ulisses, A., Zhao, Z.: Large Distributed Virtual Infrastructure Partitioning and Provisioning Across Providers | In: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Smart Internet of Things (SmartIoT). pp. 56–63. | IEEE, Tianjin, China | 08/2019
Zhao, Z., Liao, X., Martin, P., Maduro, J., Thijsse, P., Schaap, D., Stocker, M., Goldfarb, D., Magagna, B.: Knowledge-as-a-Service: A Community Knowledge Base for Research Infrastructures in Environmental and Earth Sciences | In: 2019 IEEE World Congress on Services (SERVICES). pp. 127–132. IEEE, Milan, Italy | 07/2019
Hu, Y., de Laat, C., Zhao, Z.: Learning Workflow Scheduling on Multi-Resource Clusters | In: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture and Storage (NAS). pp. 1–8. IEEE, EnShi, China | 08/2019
Ahanach, E. el K., Koulouzis, S., Zhao, Z.: Linking provenance with system logs: a context aware information integration and exploration framework for analyzing workflow execution. | 10th International Workshop on Science Gateways (IWSG 2019), pp. 13-15 | 06/2019
Zhou, H., Ouyang, X., Ren, Z., Su, J., de Laat, C., Zhao, Z.: A Blockchain based Witness Model for Trustworthy Cloud Service Level Agreement Enforcement | In: IEEE INFOCOM 2019 – IEEE Conference on Computer Communications. pp. 1567–1575. IEEE, Paris, France | 05/2019
Shi, Z., Zhou, H., Hu, Y., Jayachander, S., de Laat, C., Zhao, Z.: Operating Permissioned Blockchain in Clouds: A Performance Study of Hyperledger Sawtooth | In: 2019 18th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC). pp. 50–57. IEEE, Amsterdam, Netherlands | 06/2019
Hu, Y., De Laat, C., Zhao, Z: Multi-objective Container Deployment on Heterogeneous Clusters | In: 2019 19th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGRID). pp. 592–599. IEEE, Larnaca, Cyprus | 05/2019
Daniele Bailo, Rossana Paciello, Manuela Sbarra, Riccardo Rabissoni, Valerio Vinciarelli and Massimo Cocco: Perspectives on the Implementation of FAIR Principles in Solid Earth Research Infrastructures | Journal 31 January 2020
Manunta , C. De Luca, I. Zinno, F. Casu , M. Manzo, M. Bonano, A. Fusco, A. Pepe , G. Onorato, P. Berardino, P. De Martino, and R. Lanari: The Parallel SBAS Approach for Sentinel-1 Interferometric Wide Swath Deformation Time-Series Generation: Algorithm Description and Products Quality Assessment Journal (IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing) | 05/2020
De Luca C., Bonano M., Casu F., Manunta M., Manzo M., Meyer F., Onorato G., Zinno I., Lanari R.: A fully automatic and cloud-based P-SBAS DInSAR pipeline for Sentinel-1 processing | Conference (IEEE IGARSS 2019) | 11/2019
De Luca, G. Onorato, F. Casu, R. Lanari, M. Manunta: A genetic algorithm for phase unwrapping errors correction in the SBAS-DInSAR approach Conference (IEEE IGARSS 2019) | 11/2019
Martin, P., Remy, L., Theodoridou, M., Jeffery, K., Zhao, Z: Mapping heterogeneous research infrastructure metadata into a unified catalogue for use in a generic virtual research environment. | Journal | Future Generation Computer Systems. 101, 1–13 (2019) | 12/2019
Peter Wittenburg, Franciska de Jong, Dieter van Uytvanck, Massimo Cocco, Keith Jeffery, Michael Lautenschlager, Hannes Thiemann, Margareta Hellström, Ari Asmi & Petr Holub: State of FAIRness in ESFRI Projects | Journal | Data Intelligence Winter-Spring 2020, Vol. 2, No. 1-2, pp. 230–237 | 01/2020
Andreas Petzold: ENVRI community and other research infrastructure clusters | ENVRI-FAIR Newsletter | 1/2020
Anca Hienola: Communication (or lack thereof) between EOSC Working Groups and European Open Science Cloud development projects | ENVRI-FAIR Newsletter | 1/2020
Ari Asmi: The role of the ENVRI community in the development of European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) | ENVRI-FAIR Newsletter | 1/2020
Julian Kenny: ENVRI Week | News item/newsletter | 12/02/2020
Sara Montinaro: International Summer School Data FAIRness | News item/newsletter | 19/03/2019
Domenico Vitale, Dario Papale et al.: A robust data cleaning procedure for eddy covariance flux measurements | Journal peer-reviewed | 2020
SIOS-KC: Webinar introducing the upcoming winter school ‘DATA FAIRness’ | Newsletter article (SIOS Newsletter)
Alexander T Vermeulen, Ute Karstens, Guillaume Monteil and Wouter Peters: Data usage practices and network design for in-situ atmospheric carbon cycle observations revisited | American Geophysical Union Conference Abstracts | 12/2019
Vermeulen A., Glaves H., Pouliquen S., Kokkinaki A.: Supporting Cross-Domain System-Level Environmental and Earth Science | In: Zhao Z., Hellström M. (eds) Towards Interoperable Research Infrastructures for Environmental and Earth Sciences. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12003. Springer, Cham. 07/2020
Margareta Hellström, Maria Johnsson, Alex Vermeulen: Identification and Citation of Digital Research Resources | In: Zhao Z., Hellström M. (eds) Towards Interoperable Research Infrastructures for Environmental and Earth Sciences. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12003. Springer, Cham. 07/2020
Markus Stocker , Louise Darroch, Rolf Krahl, Ted Habermann, Anusuriya Devaraju, Ulrich Schwardmann, Claudio D’Onofrio, Ingemar Häggström: Persistent Identification of Instruments | Data Science Journal | 05/2020