Project Organizational Structure
The overall management structure and procedures on ENVRI-FAIR outlined in the figure below, are based closely on the DESCA Horizon 2020 Model Consortium Agreement “Governance structure for Medium and Large Projects” outline (
Official Consortium Bodies
General Assembly
General Assembly (GA) is the ultimate decision-making body of the consortium. It consists of one authorized representative of each Party (beneficiary or linked Third Party). The GA meetings are chaired by the Coordinator. The GA will have at least one meeting per calendar year, co-incident with the Project annual meeting. Details of the meeting preparation, notice and agenda preparation are detailed in the Consortium Agreement.
More information about project partners can be found here
ENVRI-FAIR Executive Board
ENVRI-FAIR Executive Board (EB) is the supervisory body for the execution of the Project, which shall report to and be accountable to the GA. Its members are the Project Coordinator and the WP leads with co-leads as deputies to secure proper representation of all Work Packages at each single EB meeting. The EB is responsible for the proper execution and implementation of the decisions of the GA. The EB monitors the effective and efficient implementation of the Project.
More information about the Executive board members can be found here
Project Coordination Team
Project Coordinator is PD Dr. Andreas Petzold, member of IAGOS AISBL Executive Board. The Coordinator is the intermediary between the Parties and the Funding Authority. The project Co-coordinator is Dr. Ari Asmi, former director of ENVRIplus and Coordinator of the H2020 project RISCAPE on the Landscape of International Research Infrastructures. The Project Co-coordinator is a special position required to ensure continuation from ENVRIplus to ENVRIFAIR and to maintain the strong link to the international landscape of Research Infrastructures.
More information about the Project Management team can be found here
Additional Project Bodies
These bodies are not directly part of the Consortium agreement, but are part of the project management structure with differing tasks in the Project.
Work Package leaders
Work Package leaders are responsible for the WPs meeting their objectives. They also maintain communications inside the WP, present the WP results in project meetings and report on the WP progress to the Coordinator, and, if needed, to EB or GA. They also are responsible to keep project deliverables in time and do the initial quality control on WP deliverables.
Information about different Work Packages can be found here
BEERi – Board of European Environmental Research Infrastructures
BEERi is an advisory panel consisting of senior representatives (RI directors or coordinators) of the environmental domain RIs, providing direct advice to the ENVRI-FAIR project management and giving a strategic view to the project progress, acting as internal advisory board representing the needs of environmental RIs. It is organized by WP3 and chaired by WP3 leader.
More information about BEERi can be found here
Data Management Team
The data management team is responsible for providing ENVRI-FAIR with Data Management Plans (DMP) during the project period. The management team consists of Co-coordinator (chair), MST representative (responsible of drafting the DMP text), and WP 5 and 7 leaders.
Policy Working Group
The PWG is organised in the WP4 as a main tool for policy analysis and development in context of data services in the RIs. The board consists of senior representatives of selected RIs (IAGOS, ICOS, EPOS, LifeWatch and SEADATANET). Their main tasks are to analyse the existing policy landscape in participating and other ENVRIs and draft the common policy requirements on all aspects of data service provision within the ENVRI-FAIR.