Postponed: 9th EuroGOOS International Conference in Brest, France

Advances in Operational Oceanography : Expanding Europe’s ocean observing and forecasting capacity

the 9th EuroGOOS International Conference

has been POSTPONED to MAY–JUNE 2021!

The EuroGOOS international conference takes place every three years. The conference provides a forum for a broad range of implementers and users of operational oceanography services, including marine scientists and technologists, private companies, and policymakers. The conference reviews the present ocean monitoring and forecasting capacities and oceanographic services, and identifies new science and technology priorities. It facilitates dialogue, experience sharing and future planning with both European and international partners and stakeholders, towards a more coordinated response to global challenges and societal needs related to seas and oceans.

REGISTRATION IS NOT YET OPEN. Please send an email to to pre-register/express your interest in attending the event.

More information here.

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