Check out the new Ocean Classroom portal which has been added to the Eurofleets+ Site .  The portal contains resources for people of all ages, from young children of 4 years of age upwards.  The resources available can be used by teachers, parents and members of the public to increase their knowledge of research vessels and underwater robots such as Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) and Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) and Gliders. The resources cover topics such as the various instruments available on a research vessel and what they’re used for, how marine robots are deployed and the data they gather.

Various types of resources are available for download such as posters, infographics, video and activity sheets and the resources can be filtered depending on the type of resource a user is interested in.  Activities available vary from colouring sheets for younger (and older!) kids to a project on how to build your own AUV!   Users can take a virtual tour of a research vessel and view footage from the deep recorded during a ROV survey.

The portal also contains links to external websites containing further ocean literacy resources explaining what AUVs and ROVs are and their importance in marine science. The content has been made available by project partners and Eurofleets+ contacts and we hope to develop and add more resources as the project progresses. The project coordinator would like to thank everyone who shared their resources with us – it is much appreciated.

If you have any ocean literacy resources in particular relating to research vessels, ROVs or AUVs that you would like us to share with the Eurofleets+ community on the portal please contact us on

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