Publishing date: November 8th, 2019
Closing date: Vacancy will remain open until filled Vacancy
Type of contract: Observation Marine scientist / engineer, Full-Time job for 24 months, Temporary contract linked to the H2020 project “EA-RISE”, to be developed at SOCIB.
Contract description
Euro-Argo RISE (Euro-Argo Research Infrastructure Sustainability and Enhancement) is a H2020 EU project that started on 1st January 2019 for a duration of 4 years. The project involves 19 partners across Europe and is coordinated by the Euro-Argo ERIC office.
SOCIB is the Balearic Islands Coastal Ocean Observing and Forecasting System. You can find details at More specifically, the Lagrangian Platforms Facility (LPF) is responsible for the scientific strategy and operational activities involving Argo profilers and surface drifters and coordinates the SOCIB participation in Euro Argo RISE. In the frame of this project, SOCIB is involved in the following tasks:
- Improvement of Argo observation of boundary current regions and Delayed Mode Quality Control (WP2)
- Regional expansion of Argo into shallow coastal areas (WP6)
- Communication and dissemination towards user’s community (WP7)
- Integration of Euro-Argo activities in the general context of global ocean observations (WP8)
More information about the vacancy can be found here