Are you still wondering whether you should join Hack the Arctic event co-organized by ENVRI community, ICOS RI and INAR?

Hear this! The top-three qualified teams of Hack the Arctic challenges not only receive a right to brag about the achievement, but also have the chance to claim the amazing prizes sponsored by ICEYE.

The top-three qualified teams of Hack the Arctic challenges not only receive a right to brag about the achievement, but also have the chance to claim the amazing prizes sponsored by ICEYE

? 1st place – 1000 € AND one on-demand ICEYE satellite image.

Pick any place in the world and ICEYE will use its constellation of satellites to take a picture of that area as soon as the opportunity presents itself. Lucky winner team!

? 2nd place – 500 €

? 3rd place – 250 €


Go to for more information about this exciting event.

Or visit our website for more information about the ENVRI community and the research infrastructures contributing to this exciting event.

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