We are looking for a Partnership Relation officer.
Deadline for application: 8 August 2021
The Euro-Argo ERIC is a European Research Infrastructure Consortium with a legal statute registered at the European Commission since May 2014. Euro-Argo aims to ensure the sustainability of the overall European contribution to the Argo international programme – deploying and maintaining a global network of autonomous oceanic instruments (profiling floats). In the oceanographic domain, Euro-Argo missions are 1/ to promote and coordinate the Euro-Argo strategy and to develop an implementation plan within the Argo international context, 2/ to promote the scientific results achieved by Euro-Argo partners, and 3/ to coordinate joint scientific activities that have been defined by the Euro-Argo Management Board and endorsed by the Euro-Argo Council. Some of these activities are carried out within European projects, currently being:
- Euro-Argo-RISE (Euro-Argo Research Infrastructure Sustainability and Enhancement)
- ENVRI-FAIR (ENVironmental Research Infrastructures building Fair [Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable] services Accessible for society, Innovation and Research)
- ERIC Forum (Bringing European Research Infrastructures together)
- EuroSea (Improving and integrating the European Ocean Observing and Forecasting System)
- DOORS (Developing Optimal and Open Research Support for the Black Sea) Euro-Argo is one element of the Landscape of European Research Infrastructures and needs to further develop collaborations with other Research Infrastructures as a contribution to the European Ocean Observing System.
Moreover, Euro-Argo is essential for both scientific and operational applications. Strengthening link with this wide variety of stakeholders is essential for a smooth development of the EuroArgo ERIC. To strengthen its professional and dynamic team based in Plouzané, France, the Euro-Argo ERIC Office seeks to recruit an enthusiastic and motivated Engagement and Partnership Relation Officer with substantial experience. The successful candidate will be familiar with the European environmental science landscape, be experienced in the development and sustaining of partnerships, and have sound skills in stakeholder engagement. Missions: She/He will be in charge of the continuous development of the Euro-Argo Research Infrastructure: sustain and build partnerships (public, private, etc.), develop networking actions targeting different key Euro-Argo stakeholders as well as strengthening the coordination with the European observation infrastructures, service providers and users of Argo. The recruited person will work under the supervision of and directly report to the Euro-Argo ERIC Programme Manager.
- Develop networking actions targeting different key Euro-Argo stakeholders: European Commission (DG, ESFRI, etc.), Ministries, downstream and upstream user communities, institutes and scientists members of the Euro-Argo ERIC, international partners, European coordination bodies, other European Research Infrastructures, etc.
- Contribute to the implementation of the European Ocean Observation System EOOS, representing Euro-Argo ERIC at the Operations Committee, participate in the EuroGOOS network activities and foster links with regional coordination (MonGOOS, IBI-ROOS, BOOS etc.) as well as EuroGOOS Task Teams and Working Groups
- Foster interactions with other European Research Infrastructures, in particular with Research Infrastructures of the Marine domain (e.g. EMSO, JERICO, ICOS, etc.), and the Environmental Research Infrastructures ENVRI
- Participate, when required, in European forums (ESFRI, International Conference on Research Infrastructures) and represent Euro-Argo ERIC in the ERIC Forum network. Support the future ESFRI evaluation of the Euro-Argo ERIC (KPIs, socio-economic impact evaluation)
- Develop new funding opportunities for the Euro-Argo ERIC (lobby and setup of / participation to proposals for project funding (e.g. Horizon Europe, etc.)
- Keep a strategic watch on the development of observation systems, services and infrastructures close to Euro-Argo ERIC in the fields of physical, biogeochemical and biological oceanography, to foster coherence and simplify interfaces between Euro-Argo and the other observation infrastructures and services
- Support Euro-Argo contribution to public marine environment management policies when relevant
Visit the Euro-Argo website for more details about the position