The JERICO-S3 Research Infrastructure wishes to announce the 2nd call of 3 Transnational Access funding calls to support a wide range of marine researchers by giving free of charge access to high-quality infrastructures and support services at unique multi-disciplinary sites consisting of a mix of gliders, fixed platforms, ferryboxes, cabled observatories, HF radar, benthic stations, and bio-sensors. The call is open for project proposals from 29th March 2021 to 31st May 2021.
Successful applicants will be able to carry out first-class experiments on one or more of the multi-disciplinary, multi-platform coastal observing systems thus maximising impact for science, environmental managers, industries, and other relevant stakeholders. Users will have access to the best available equipment and knowledgeable personnel at each of the facilities to enable improved research outputs and scientific excellence.
In this 2nd call, JERICO-S3 would like to highlight and support the collaboration between JERICO-RI TA facilities and AQUACOSM-plus infrastructures. As a specific action, JERICO-S3 and AQUACOSM-plus study jointly how extreme events affect plankton ecosystems, by applying both observations on natural communities and by experimentation at selected sites (Cretan Sea, North-West Mediterranean and Baltic Sea). JERICO-S3 TA projects supporting these actions are especially welcomed and strongly encourage the involvement between the RI-RI facilities.
Between June 2020 and January 2024, we will offer more than 8800 days of Transnational Access (TA) to more than 40 different integrated marine coastal observation facilities located at 21 JERICO-RI partners throughout Europe. Detailed information about each JERICO-RI facility, technical design and available resources etc. can be found here.
To determine the capabilities and service offerings of each facility we strongly encourage all TA applicants to contact the respective facility providers as early as possible in the proposal process about possible usage of facilities and cooperation at the infrastructures. Please ensure that the objectives and aims of the call are fully addressed before submitting a proposal for Transnational Access. The TA application form and Guidelines can be found online.
This is a unique opportunity for scientists and engineers to avail of high-quality, interlinked instrumented infrastructures operating in coastal and shelf-sea areas for carrying out research and/or testing activities.
Contact JERICO.TA (at) for more details
This post has first appeared on the JERICO website