Are you interested in oceanographic data exploration, elaboration and product creation? Do you wish to improve your skills in the sourcing, interpretation and merging of available data for the creation of knowledge and added value products? Are you a marine industry player keen to indulge in smart innovative applications? This course is then your opportunity to meet with peers and to avail of the experience and viewpoints of an international range of renowned experts that will be showcasing how data and information in the digital age are spearheading the evolution of marine services to serve the stakeholder demands and boost R&I applications, such as within the ambit of Blue Growth – which is the European Commission’s initiative to further harness the potential of Europe’s oceans, seas and coasts, for sustainable growth, jobs and value.
The course will adopt a practical and hands-on approach. It will be delivered in a state-of-the-art computer lab environment offering the participants an individualised learning experience through practice. Dedicated sessions in the programme will link to the CMEMS and EMODnet, and together with the JERICO-NEXT Virtual Access portals will be used to showcase the relevance of their data streams through dedicated hands-on practical sessions.
The last day of the course will take the form of a mini-hackathon, giving the opportunity to participants to work in groups where each group would propose, plan and develop a prototype solution to an agreed blue growth ‘challenge’.
For more details, contact the course coordinator: Prof. Aldo Drago (, and consult the course website:
Deadline for applications is 7th June 2018. Full or partial support is available for a number of selected applicants, especially those who are in a position to disseminate the experience gained from the school to others. We also plan to sponsor participants with skills in software development to have leading roles in the mini-hackathon. Applicants from non-EU countries are welcome. Apply now!