ENVRI-FAIR brings together 13 environmental research infrastructures


37 partners from 13 EU countries work together to make the project a success


The project has started in January 2019 and will run for 48 months until December 2022


Our work is organized in 12 work packages and will be documented in 80 deliverables



Understanding the Earth is not possible without interdisciplinary science. We need a holistic approach where environmental data and services produced by the different research infrastructures are harmonized and easy to use for scientists from any field of environmental research.

The overarching goal of ENVRI-FAIR is to advance the findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability (FAIRness) of the data and services offered by the ENVRI Cluster research infrastructures and to connect them to the emerging European Open Science Cloud.

Through our joint efforts, we will better understand the Earth system and eventually be able to better respond to all the challenges our planet faces.


Natural and anthropogenic factors lead to environmental changes on a scale ranging from local to global. Understanding and quantifying these changes is a requirement for developing mitigation and adaptation options and fact-based decision-making.

Reliable predictions of environmental change must be based on trustworthy, well-documented observations which capture the entire complexity of the Earth system and the manifold interactions between the atmosphere, the land and the ocean; encompassing impacts both from and onto life in all its forms.


The ambition of ENVRI-FAIR is to establish technical preconditions for the successful implementation of a virtual, federated machine-to-machine interface called ENVRI-hub – central gateway for easy access to environmental data and services provided by the contributing research infrastructures.

Full integration of services across research infrastructures is continuously progressing within the ENVRI community, with a focus on environmental data and scientific research objectives.


1st ENVRI-FAIR policy workshop for the ENVRI community Research Infrastructures

Theme “How to define infrastructure policies and practices for interoperability” The workshop focuses on presenting and discussing general concepts on writing and developing policies in the ENVRI RIs, their aspects and relationship to the RI operations. The workshop will be strongly dependent on the interactivity of the participants, their experiences on policy development, decision making … Continue reading 1st ENVRI-FAIR policy workshop for the ENVRI community Research Infrastructures

There is still time to register to ENVRI Community International School “Services for FAIRness”

The 2021 edition of the ENVRI Community International School has been launched! Organised by ENVRI-FAIR and LifeWatch ERIC, the school is at its fourth edition, having established itself as an unmissable opportunity to learn about FAIRness in the framework of Research Infrastructures. Having gone into depth on data FAIRness and data management during previous editions, … Continue reading There is still time to register to ENVRI Community International School “Services for FAIRness”

EGI Conference 2021: Beyond the Horizon – Shaping the Digital Future

The date and Call for Abstracts for EGI Conference 2021 have been announced! #EGI2021 will take place from October 19th until 21st. The conference theme is: “Beyond the Horizon: Shaping the Digital Future” This year, we’re looking at how EGI Federation is contributing to shaping the digital future: with EOSC growing more mature, the new … Continue reading EGI Conference 2021: Beyond the Horizon – Shaping the Digital Future