Calls & application procedure

Four Calls are scheduled within EUROFLEETS+

  • 1 & 2) The Ship-time and marine EquipmentApplication (SEA-Programme) calls to access research vessels and marine equipment, the first call with mainly larger, “ocean going” vessels (OCEANS, 26thof June – 27thof September 2019) and the second call with more REGIONALvessels (25thof November – 28thof February 2019). Research vessels and marine equipment not offered or requested in the first call (“OCEANS“), or with spare capacities are offered in the second, “REGIONAL“ call again.
  • 3) The Co-PI Programme Call, open from 21stNovember 2019 onwards. This running call will be open for the continuous submission of proposals until beginning of 2022.
  • 4) The RTA Call, open from 21stNovember 2019 onwards. This running call will be open for the continuous submission of proposals until beginning of 2022.

For an overview of all infrastructures offered within the EUROFLEETS+ calls, including their operational areas, PLEASE CLICK HERE.


European and international researchers from academia and industry will be able to apply. EUROFLEETS+ particularly invites scientists from nations with limited, or no, access to research vessels and other marine infrastructureResearchers from all career stages and female researchers are encouraged to apply.

Access will be granted based on scientific excellence covering all fields of marine science, giving priority to research on sustainable, clean and healthy oceans, linking with existing ocean observation infrastructures, and innovation through working closely with industry will be supported.

Proposals for access to any of the offered infrastructures will only be accepted if they meet the respective eligibility criteria for each call.

The cruise length/days of access to Research Vessels and Marine Equipment, requested by the applicants, should include mobilisation and demobilisation time and not exceed the number of days offered by EUROFLEETS+.

Proposals must be submitted exclusively online, using the dedicated link to the online proposal submission portal (provided for each call).

Instructions on how to draft a proposal, to submit your proposal online, and further documents and templates are available at “Call documents and templates” of the respective call (when call is open).


EUROFLEETS+ Call Management & Evaluation Office
Dr. Anneli Strobel
Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung
Am Handelshafen 12
27570 Bremerhaven, Germany
Tel: +49 (0) 471 4831-1479

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