The Euro-Argo ERIC office is opening a fixed-term Project Engineer position for the duration of the Euro-Argo RISE project, to assist the Euro-Argo RISE coordinator and participate in the daily monitoring of Euro-Argo RISE in its administrative, organizational and financial aspects.

Contract type: Fixed term contract until December 2022 
Start: As soon as possible. 

Institute: EURO-ARGO ERIC, ZI du Technopôle Brest Iroise, 1625 route de St Anne, 29280 Plouzané, France 

Responsible: Sylvie Pouliquen – Programme Manager 

Context: The Euro-Argo ERIC is a European Research Infrastructure Consortium with a legal statute registered at the European Community since May 2014. The Euro-Argo Research Infrastructure aims to ensure the sustainability of the overall European contribution to the Argo international programme – deploying and maintaining a global network of oceanic profiling floats. The Euro-Argo ERIC federates the national contributions to the international Argo programme ( It is also in charge of: 
– overall European coordination, 
– support to deployment activities, 
– European fleet monitoring, 
– survey of data flows to European Data centres (Coriolis, BODC) and Argo Global Data Centre (GDAC), to modelling facilities (European Copernicus Marine and Environment Monitoring Service and National Operational Services) and to European databases (SeaDataNet, EMODnet). 

In the oceanographic domain, Euro-Argo missions are 1/ to promote and coordinate the Euro-Argo strategy and to develop an implementation plan within the Argo international context, 2/ to promote the scientific results achieved by Euro-Argo partners, and 3/ to coordinate joint scientific activities that have been defined by the Euro-Argo management board and endorsed by the Euro-Argo council. Some of these activities are carried out within European projects. 

Euro-Argo RISE (Euro-Argo Research Infrastructure Sustainability and Enhancement) is a H2020 EU project starting on 1st January 2019 for a duration of 4 years. The project involves 19 partners across Europe and is coordinated by the Euro-Argo ERIC office. It aims to secure and improve the current Argo network as well as to set up and organize on the long-term the new components of the network: extending Argo observations towards biogeochemistry, greater depth, partially ice-covered and shallower water regions within a long-term sustainability plan supported by Member States and funding agencies. Euro-Argo RISE includes developments in terms of technology, data management, network implementation, services to users, Euro-Argo visibility (Work Package 7), and links with other networks and stakeholders in the domain of ocean observations (WP8). The ERIC office is involved in a task related to network implementation and in WP7 (leader) & WP8. 

Missions: The Euro-Argo ERIC office is opening a fixed-term Project Engineer position for the duration of the Euro-Argo RISE project, to assist the Euro-Argo RISE coordinator and participate in the daily monitoring of Euro-Argo RISE in its administrative, organizational and financial aspects. He/She will also be involved in WP7 and WP8 activities (Scientific reports, communication and dissemination…). 
Activities: Within the Euro-Argo ERIC office, the person recruited will be involved in: 
Euro-Argo RISE Project coordination: 
– Day-to-day monitoring of the activities defined in the Euro-Argo RISE project work packages, deliverables and milestones 
– Support to the preparation of the technical and financial reports of the partners, for the European Commission 
– Coordination assistance for the preparation of meetings: workshops, general assemblies, meetings of the executive board, scientific committees 
– Organization of the logistics related to the various meetings between partners 
– Support for the writing of minutes, summary notes, and statement of conclusions 

More information about the position and the requirements can be foundhere

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