The Interest Groups (IGs) were created to give the EOSC related community the opportunity to collaborate, share information, and discuss EOSC related topics. A first set of four IGs have been approved by the projects participating at the EOSC Coordination Day in Budapest, on November 28-29 2019.
The set up an IT platform to support the Interest Groups in their activities. This platform includes a workspace based on a public and open collaborative virtual space where the members can discuss, share documents and structure their collaboration.
The Interest Groups are open to all members of the EOSC community and EOSC-related projects, no limit in the number of participants from a single project is envisaged. Private area of discussion can be implemented upon request.
Each Interest Group is facilitated by at least one member of the
Visit EOSC secretariat website for more information:
How to join
To join an Interest Group simply click on the “Subscribe to Group” button on the top right corner on each Interest Group. If you are not logged in on the EOSCsecretariat website you will be asked to create a profile or to enter with your credentials.
How to use the EOSC Interest Groups
After joining an EOSC Interest Group you will be listed among its members and you will be able to do the following:
- Start a New Discussion: Click on the yellow side button to start a new thread. Choose a title for your post and write your message in the “body” section. You can also add attachments or add a preview for your message by expanding the “summary” section. Tag your post with existing categories or request new tags by writing at
- Comment on an existing thread: Click on “Add new comment” to join an open discussion. As with a regular thread you can add a title, attachments and tags.
- Search among discussions: You can search by keyword contained in the title or by tag.
- Visit the Interest Group repository: Each Interest Groups has a related repository, accessible via the button on the right side bar. Members of the Interest Groups can download documents from the repository and suggest the addition of further shared documents. IG Facilitators are responsible for the addition and management of documents and folders on the repository.
The content has been adopted from the ESOC secretariat website (