ENVRI-hub – central gateway to research infrastructure services
ENVRI-hub will be a central gateway to environmental data and services offered by the European environmental research infrastructures. The data offered through the hub will be interoperable across the Earth system disciplines and therefore easy to use for interdisciplinary environmental research. Our data will be open and free to use by anyone. Users of the ENVRI-hub will be also able to use the Virtual Research Environments and do their science computing directly inside the hub.
Users should be able to test the first demonstrator of the hub at the end of 2022. ENVRI-hub will be part of the European Open Science Cloud, a European Commission initiative aiming at developing an infrastructure providing its users with services promoting open science practices.
Read or watch video about the different Task Forces implementing the ENVRI-hub
Watch the video about ENVRI-hub
Are you interested in what can ENVRI-hub offer to scientific users? Watch our short video featuring three young scientists who ask questions about the ENVRI-hub and how it is going to make their work easier.
ENVRI-hub Task Forces
Read or watch videos about different task forces developing the ENVRI-hub.