The EMBRIC Transnational Access program has the objective to foster maturation of research projects in the field of marine biotechnology, giving access to selected Access Providers within the consortium.
Transnational Access to the EMBRIC consortium is provided to a single user or a user group of up to two users. A user group can consist of more than two users, but the costs of travel and accomodation are reimbursed only for a maximum of two persons per user group.
Users of the Transnational Access program can be researchers, students and technicians, from academia or industry, with their home institutions based in EU Member States or Associated Countries (as defined by the Horizon 2020 programme). “Transnational” implies that the home institution of the main user (Project Leader) is based in a country other than the one in which the Access Provider is located.
EMBRIC offers access to high-quality facilities and pioneering technology platforms of 15 Access Providers from four European Research Infrastructures:
- EMBRC: fundamental and applied research on marine bioresources and marine ecosystems
- AQUAEXCEL2020: facilities and tools for marine aquaculture
- MIRRI: microbial resource for research and development in the field of biotechnology
- EU-OPENSCREEN: discovery of biologically active substances in all areas of Life Sciences
Physical and remote access may be requested to any of the Access Providers available during this call.
The access includes:
- technical and scientific support
- administrative and logistic support
- free use of the services and platforms to a certain limit
- specific training needed to use these facilities
The EMBRIC Transnational Access program sponsors:
- laboratory fees
(use of standard disposables and access to services and platforms) - travel costs (up to 800€ per round trip)
- accommodation costs (up to 167€ per day).
Costs of the following items are excluded:
- non-standard disposables
- experiments required before or after accessing the RIs (assay development, etc.).
To be eligible, the user group must satisfy the following conditions:
- the applicant must submit an innovative project in the field of marine biotechnology
- the home institution of the applicant should be based in an EU Member States or Associated Countries
(as defined by the Horizon 2020 programme) - the access must be transnational (the home institution of the Project Leader and the majority of the users must be situated in a country other than the countries where the Access Providers to be visited are located)
- the user group must visit at least two Access Providers member of different Research Infrastructures participating in the TA program
- the total number of access days per Project proposal should not exceed 20 working days.
- the access to the selected Access Providers should be performed within September and December 1st 2017.
The application system will be open for submissions in January 2017.
Project proposals can be submitted until April 28th 2017 at 12.00 (noon), CET.
Applicants will be notified about acceptance/rejection of their Project within 6 weeks after the deadline for submission has passed.