Aim of this call

The aim of this call is to provide training organisers an extra incentive and financial support to organise, host and participate in knowledge exchange, best practice and technology transfer in marine biotechnology & aquaculture innovation.

4th Call submission deadline

30 April 2018 12h00 CET

EMBRIC training compliance

Training of both potential users and in-house technical and administrative staff of service providers is an integral part of the activity of each of the Research Infrastructures (RIs) involved in EMBRIC (European Marine Biological Research Infrastructure Cluster). Consequently, exchange of personnel and training of staff became a primary task in Work Package 9 (WP9) of the EMBRIC project. Promoting knowledge and best practice exchange to strengthen human capital in the cluster is key to the EMBRIC project. Therefore, spreading good practice, consultancy and training in an integrated marine biotechnology and mariculture workflow will increase the value chain of the EMBRIC pipelines.

In this framework, dedicated training activities (e.g. workshops, courses, knowledge exchange and technology transfer meetings) will be set up and become part of the EMBRIC integrated training programme. The main goal of this training programme is to harmonize practices and standardize procedures in the blue biotechnology & aquaculture domain for academia and industry during and beyond the formal end of the project.

Submission and guidelines

The submission form has been reduced to the minimum, in order to capture the essence of the submitted initiatives and to spare time-loss for the organisers. Please, find here a dummy submission form as example.

For assistence and more information, feel free to contact Dr. Thibaud Mascart

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