Deadline for submitting an abstract for EGU 2017 PICO session CL5.13: “Towards CMIP6 internationally coordinated climate modeling experiments: the role and use of modeling and observation research infrastructures” is approaching.
Abstracts covering all climate system components (land, ocean, atmosphere) focusing in the following areas are welcomed:
- Description of the state-of-the-art of the existing modelling, observation and experimental infrastructures and of the cooperations already in place among those.
- Demonstrations of the impacts that the use of such infrastructures bears on scientific research on Earth system/climate.
The session aims at exploring the role and use of research infrastructures for both model data and observations in preparation for CMIP6, with a particular focus on Earth’s climate system model evaluation. Common scientific challenges of infrastructures facing the upcoming CMIP6 will be highlighted, rather than the technical detail related to the necessary interoperability among Research Infrastructures.
This session is proposed within the frame of ENVRIplus, a Horizon 2020 project bringing together European Environmental and Earth System Research Infrastructures, aiming at providing common solutions to shared challenges.
The relevant page in the EGU programme and a link for abstract submission can be found here.
The abstract submission deadline is 11th January 2017 13:00 CET.