
ENVRI user story competition

The competition starts now! We cannot wait to see your story.

How to enter

    1. Turn your Research Infrastructure services user story into a maximum 2-minute long video.
    2. Post the video on YouTube.
    3. Send us the link through the submission form by August 31st 2021 at 11:59 CEST

Who can enter

      1. Any user of the ENVRI community and environmental research infrastructures services who is more than 18 years old (see the list of ENVRI community research infrastructures)
      2. Participants must go to the ENVRI community website,, during the Entry Period (17.5.2021 – 31.8.2021) and follow the onscreen instructions. Participant must produce a maximum 2-minute long video that clearly demonstrates how they (possibly with other colleagues who are however not part of this competition):
        • used the services provided by the ENVRI community or any of the ENVRI community research infrastructures
        • how the use of the service helped their science
        • why would they suggest others use the services
        • the video must be using English as the main language
        • the video must clearly mention what kind of service was used and which research infrastructure provided the service.

The video entry might take almost any form. A story told through an analogy? An animated cartoon? A Lego movie? A video incorporating your own original music or dance? An interview with contestant’s friends or colleagues? Standard PowerPoint presentation? Some other format? The participant can decide.

What do we mean by Research Infrastructure services?

      • Have you used some of the services offered directly by the ENVRI community and participated, for example, in the Summer/Winter ENVRI school or Hack the Arctic hackathon?
      • Have you utilized the transnational access call opportunities by ACTRIS and visited one of their atmospheric stations in Europe?
      • Are you a marine researcher and you accessed one of the ships offered by the EUROFLEETS access programme?
      • Or maybe you are a marine biologist and you got access to biological samples that were made available by EMBRC?
      • Perhaps you did not go anywhere and simply downloaded the data from the Carbon Portal facilitated by ICOS research infrastructure?

Environmental research infrastructures offer a wide range of services including data services, access, computational, and support services. You can learn more about them on the Services page.

List of ENVRI community research infrastructures:


ENVRI community services:

By ENVRI community services, we mean services provided in the frame of the ENVRI community cluster projects, i.e., ENVRI, ENVRIplus and ENVRI-FAIR.

By services, we mean:

e.g., access to data services and computational platforms; access to research facilities and experimental platforms; access to different samples or specimens; support services such as training, housing, application support, events, etc.

If you used any of the services provided by any of the research infrastructures on the list, or services provided by ENVRI cluster projects, you are more than welcome to join the competition! If you are unsure if you qualify, contact the Research Infrastructure that provided the service to you, or contact us at

The official rules for the competition

When submitting your video, you will be asked to accept the official rules for the competition. Please, read the rules carefully.

The winner selection

Winners are selected based on a) artistic merit (how creative and visually appealing is the video) and b) scientific merit (how interesting is the story from the scientific point of view). Thus, the best videos not only insightfully reveal how the competitor used the infrastructure services, how it benefited their science and why would they suggest others to use the services, but also how successfully is this information transmitted to viewers, how innovative the content of the video is and how inspirational it is for the future users of the RI services. Following the end of the Entry Period, the judging will proceed in two phases. In the first phase, a panel of judges (comprised of judges representing the ENVRI community research infrastructures and selected by the ICOS ERIC communications office) will select no more than 15 videos.  The final 15 videos will be judged by the public in public voting (online organized voting opened to anyone). The first three winners will be notified by email and announced online by the ENVRI community no later than by September 20.

The prize

        • The winner will receive financial support of up to 3000 EUR towards their research;

        • The first runner-up wins support up towards their research to 800 EUR;
        • The second runner-up wins a 200 EUR voucher for the purchases in the online book store.
        • Everybody who submits a video for the competition will receive an ENVRI-branded Rubik’s cube.


Submission form

The competition begins on 17.05.2021 at 12:01:00 am CEST and the period for entering the competition ends on 31 August 2021 at 11:59pm CEST (Entry period). All entries must be received during the Entry Period to be eligible.

What is the ENVRI community?

Share your story on social media

Great stories need to be shared. We encourage you to share your story also on your own social media using the #ENVRIcompetition hashtag.