The ENVRI-FAIR consortium recognises that dissemination activities are an essential part of the project throughout its duration and also vital for the future sustainability of its outcomes. Dissemination and outreach is therefore coordinated by work package 2, but also integrated across all of the ENVRI-FAIR work packages.
Contact WP2 leader for more information or communications opportunities.
ENVRI-FAIR Communications strategy
The ENVRI-FAIR Communications strategy helps to conduct the dissemination and communication activities throughout the project by acting as a practical and regularly updated guide for the project members. The document represents Deliverable 2.1 for the project. The objective of the Dissemination Strategy is to help ENVRI-FAIR to reach its goals. All dissemination and communication activities aim to raise awareness of the ENVRI-FAIR project, its results and the wider Environmental Research Infrastructures community among identified target groups, and to encourage them to use the products and solutions developed by the project while engaging them in discussions, to ensure that the products and solutions are relevant and suitable for their requirements.
Make sure to follow the ENVRI-FAIR Visual Guidelines when using the below resources!