Advances in Operational Oceanography : Expanding Europe's ocean observing and forecasting capacity the 9th EuroGOOS Internati...
ENVRI community organizes a virtual campaign replacing the originally planned Townhall meeting at EGU 2020. You can read more info...
The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak certainly is the most pressing issue our society is facing at the moment. We should redirect a...
Register yourself to ENVRI-FAIR WP11 project meeting (January 27, 14:00 - January 28, 18:00) Registration is closed...
The registration is closed. Contact ENVRI-FAIR Project office if you wish to attend the event....
The Euro-Argo ERIC office is opening a fixed-term Project Engineer position for the duration of the Euro-Argo RISE project, to ass...
DiSSCo is offering two job opportunities. But hurry up, the deadline is 15 January 2019! DiSSCo is looking for two people to st...
We provide complete process piping capabilities for industrial from pulp and paper.