A new deliverable report on severe weather event case studies evaluation and implications for monitoring within INTERACT is availa...
The EMSO-PT initiative, coordinated by the Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), and the +ATLANTIC CoLAB have joined...
A special issue of Atmosphere with the theme Permafrost Peatlands under Rapid Climate Warming is welcoming manuscript submis...
The JERICO-S3 Research Infrastructure wishes to announce the 2nd call of 3 Transnational Access funding calls to support a wide r...
Abstract submission for the 16th Deep-Sea Biology Symposium (#16DSBS) is now open! The Deep-Sea Biology Symposium takes place once...
The eLTER whole system approach is utilizing the broad variety of biodiversity, environmental and socio-ecological data monitored...
Read the interview with a dynamic female trio who stands behind FiMaP3 - the winning project of Hack the Arctic online hackathon e...
The Agenda paper for the future of snow research in Svalbard will be published on SIOS website. You can now comment on the...
After 48 hours of hacking, the Hack the Arctic event has come to a close. We were impressed by all the ideas, services orientation...
Andreas Petzold and Werner Kutsch will be two keynote speakers at Hack the Arctic, a 48-hr online hackathon open to everyone inter...