We provide a historical overview on advances in policy-relevant science, such as the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (I...
Tired of downloading tons of model results? Is your internet connection flakey? Are you about to overload your computer’s memory...
Word cloud of the audience key takeaways at the 9th EuroGOOS International Conference closing, 5 May 2021 Our 9th Internation...
The eLTER Venus meeting* took place online between 7th and 16th of April 2021. Our starship landed on Earth’s neighboring planet...
The ERIC Forum is pleased to announce the election of Francisco Colomer, Director of JIVE ERIC, as the new Chair of the ERIC Forum...
The EuroGOOS Conference brings together managers, developers, and users of ocean observing and operational oceanography products a...
We are continuing to develop an eLTER cookie-cutting tool, designed to make it easy to explore and collate harmonised datasets for...
Two deliverable reports from Work Package 6 “Climate Action: Making data widely available”, are now available for download (se...
EMSO ERIC has just launched a tender for the provision of communication and event organization services in order to support the or...
“The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name” Confucius … but sometimes, giving a name to something is...