As part of the EOSC Future project, the Research Data Alliance (RDA) is launching a call for proposals to improve the technical...
The EOSC Future project wants to develop a European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) that can support the shifting needs of the EU’s re...
The EOSC Future project is looking for 200+ science champions to help co-design and finetune EOSC services and products. EOSC...
We are looking for a Partnership Relation officer. Deadline for application: 8 August 2021 Context The Euro-Argo ERIC is a Eu...
After its official kick-off last week, EOSC Future is going into high gear with the launch of a call for external evaluators. This...
The five ESSFRI clusters projects have together issued a Joint Position Statement. The paper explainss the urgent need of EC to su...
Check our latest newsletter featuring interviews & videos about different components of the ENVRI-hub. How will the hub make s...
Read an interview with Angeliki Adamaki about the actual process of harmonizing the ENVRI Research Infrastructures to achieve the...
Read an interview with Daniele Bailo, Zhiming Zhao, and Ari Asmi who explain to you the key components forming the ENVRI-hub - the...
Over 90 people have registered, and eventually, over 50 participated in the "ENVRI-Hub for EOSC and Planet Earth" side event at th...