The Blue-Cloud project is piloting a web-based Open Science cyberspace to service the needs of marine scientists and researchers in the marine domain. This survey is being launched to build a vision for its long-term evolution into 2030, generating value and benefits for a much larger user base and for wider stakeholder communities -including not only scientists & researchers, but also Blue Economy SMEs, maritime industries, policy makers, NGOs and ultimately citizens. Your response to this survey will contribute to shaping strategic policy recommendations towards that end, considering your needs and expectations and aligning with wider developments.

To respond to this survey, you will benefit from reading the Executive Summary of the Blue-Cloud Draft Strategic Roadmap for further context and reference, which will take you 15 minutes. However, if you are already familiar with Blue-Cloud, it is still possible for you to take this survey without reading it in advance. It will take you approximately 20-25 minutes to respond to this survey, which includes a total of 20 questions. Thank you for teaming up with us to shape the future of Blue-Cloud!

The consultation launches on 28 June 2021 and remains open until 20 September 20 2021.

Questions, comments? Should you encounter any issues or have any questions while you are taking this survey, please kindly contact

If you wish to read the full version of Blue-Cloud Draft Strategic Roadmap, including its Technical Annex, please find it through this link.


More information about the consultation can be found here

This post has first appeared on the Blue-Cloud website

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