After the publication of the ESFRI roadmap in 2008, it was evident that all the selected environmental Research Infrastructures would face similar challenges in their implementation and we identified the need for a closer collaboration.
A figure illustrating the evolution of ENVRI community cooperation and its work towards the Open and Multidisciplinary environmental science.
This led to the onset of the ENVRI (2011-2014) and ENVRIplus (2015-2019) project currently continues within ENVRI-FAIR (2019-2022).
These three projects have been focusing on the integration of the European environmental research infrastructure landscape.
In addition to ENVRI, ENVRIplus and ENVRI-FAIR, the European Commission also funded the COOPEUS project (2012-2015) and COOP+ (2016-2018), thus extending the collaboration of environmental Research Infrastructures beyond the European borders (to US, Canada, Brazil and Australia). ENVRI-FAIR is as well seeking the collaboration with the global data initiatives and observational networks.
Read more about projects and activities in the Projects section.