Who we are

The ENVRI community is a community of Environmental Research Infrastructures, projects, networks and other diverse stakeholders interested in environmental Research Infrastructure matters. The community also includes e-infrastructures supporting the Research Infrastructures in data solutions.

See our latest brochure and explore the world of the ENVRI community

We work together to make our data and services findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable to enable high quality and holistic understanding of the Earth system.


Although very diverse, all the Research Infrastructures share the same challenges, both in their constructions and operations. The ENVRI community thus encourages and facilitates a joint work to develop the synergies, to learn from each other, to harmonize the Research Infrastructure landscape, products and to share the best practices. Last but not least, the ENVRI community works towards the joint vision and strategy to streamline the Research Infrastructures activities.


► More about ENVRI community research infrastructures

The ENVRI community is overseen and strategically led by the Board of European Environmental Research Infrastructures (BEERi).

► More about BEERI

The ENVRI community is right now supported by the ENVRI-FAIR project building FAIR Research Infrastructure services and connecting the community to European Open Science Cloud.

► More about ENVRI-FAIR

What we can do for you & what you can do for the community 

Since 2011, the ENVRI community has been supported by several different projects aiming at improving the collaboration within the European Research Area and beyond. See History section of this website for more information.

These projects have been developing a broad portfolio of products, solutions, and services that are being offered through this platform, especially through its collaboration and documentation space at ENVRI wiki.

You can get the latest information about our activities by subscribing to our mailing list.

You can also advertise news, open calls and other announcements you consider relevant to ENVRI community through this platform. Click Advertise and share your content. We will promote the news for you.