3rd Call for Multi-domain Access to Environmental Research Infrastructures is closed!
ENVRIplus launches the third and final call for proposals to access European multi-disciplinary environmental research platforms. ENVRIplus offers opportunities for free-of-charge transnational access to selected user groups to six research facilities in cross-cutting areas in Europe: ATMOSPHERE, BIO-ECOSPHERE, HYDRO-MARINE, AND SOLID EARTH domain.
Publication date: 15 January 2018
Proposal deadline: 4 March 2018
Proposal deadline: 9 March 2018
Access period: 1 May – 31 December 2018
ENVRIplus Transnational Access (TNA)
ENVRIplus offers opportunities for free-of-charge, transnational access (TNA) to selected multi-disciplinary test platforms for selected research groups and companies wishing to conduct research or test instruments for cross-disciplinary topics within the environmental domains: atmosphere, bio-ecosphere, hydro-marine, and solid earth. The access procedure is described below.
Available facilities
TNA is offered to the below listed multi-disciplinary platforms. Please click on the platform to read the description of the infrastructure:
Platform | Applicable Research domain and Research infrastructure |
Access provider |
(single site platform) |
Atmosphere, Bio-Ecosphere
Tuukka Petäjä (UHEL)
(multi-sited platform)
Atmosphere, Bio-Ecosphere,
Hydro-Marine, Solid earth (ACTRIS) |
Jean-Pierre Cammas (OSUR-OPAR)
(multi-sited platform) |
Atmosphere, Solid earth
(EPOS) |
Giuseppe Puglisi (INGV)
(multi-sited platform) |
Abbad Chabbi (INRA)
(multi-sited platform) |
Atmosphere, Bio-Ecosphere, Hydro-Marine
Jean Sciare (CYI)
(multi-sited platform) |
Atmosphere, Bio-Ecosphere
Marie Lothon (CNRS)
Access opportunities
TNA within ENVRIplus is provided free of charge to selected user groups (single user or user teams), à priori involving users from more than one environmental domain. User refers to any scientific researcher, student, engineer, technician, agent from both the public and private sector who needs the support of a multi-disciplinary environmental research platform to perform basic, applied or industrial research, for testing and calibration of instruments, for training of users, for educational purposes, etc.
TNA may be requested to any of the multi-disciplinary platforms described above. The support of the infrastructure includes:
- Administrative and logistical support (e.g., customs, transport)
- Free use of the infrastructure facilities (in agreement with any potential applicable national laws, local safety and health regulations, or other conformity rules)
- Technical and scientific support
- Specific training (for use of the infrastructure and/or instrumentation)
To be eligible, the user or user group must satisfy the following conditions:
- The access must be multi-domain or inter-disciplinary, i.e., it must concern at least two environmental domains from the following: Atmosphere, Bio-Ecosphere, Marine (Hydrosphere), Solid Earth, or multi-domain.
- The access must be transnational (i.e., the user group leader and the majority of the users must work in a country other than the country/countries where the research platform is located.
- Only user groups that are allowed to disseminate the results they have generated under the action may benefit from the access, unless the users are working for SMEs.
- The call should be carried out during the indicated access period.
Financial support of up to 10’000€ per project may be granted to facilitate the TNA. It is provided to contribute to the user costs for travel, subsistence, instrumental transport or other, if justified. Financial support is only available upon request.
How to apply
In order to apply, you should download and complete the ENVRIplus TNA proposal form. The TNA proposal is accepted for submission any time by any eligible user or user group during the publication of the call, before the call deadline. Proposals submitted after the call deadline will not be considered for evaluation.
Publication date: 15 January 2018
Proposal deadline: 4 March 2018
Evaluation: March 2018
Access period: 1 May – 31 December 2018
The TNA proposal must be submitted by email to ENVRIplus access management office
Evaluation and selection
The proposal undergoes a two-step review procedure:
- First-stage review: the proposal is pre-screened by the access provider of the research platform for scientific and technical feasibility. It is strongly recommended for the user group leader to contact the access provider before proposal submission for adequate project planning. Only proposals accepted during the first evaluation stage will be considered for mandatory second-stage review.
- Second-stage review: a multi-disciplinary selection panel consisting of international experts from the different domains (atmosphere, bio-ecosphere, hydro-marine, solid earth, or multi-domain) will assess all proposals received based on agreed selection criteria and recommend a short-list of the user groups that should benefit from access. The evaluation will be based on the following criteria:
- Multi-/ interdisciplinary approach, objectives, impact, results
- Originality and scientific quality
- Scientific excellence and composition of the multi-domain research team
- Quality of the methodology and use of the platform
- Interest for the scientific community/impact
- Innovation potential & collaboration with the private sector
- Potential training aspects for new or young users
Priority will be given to groups composed of participants who have not previously used the installation (new users). Furthermore, special attention will be paid to female participation according to EU requirements in order to promote equal opportunities in the implementation of the TNA activities.
The user group leader of the access project supported under ENVRIplus is requested to provide appropriate documentation to the ENVRIplus access management office, located at the French National Centre for Scientific Research, Laboratory of Physical Meteorology (CNRS-LAMP), France. The documentation will allow justifying the nature and the amount of access provided, including limited user information (e.g., names, nationality, research background), and include a scientific activity report summarizing the scientific objectives and achievements. The reimbursement of the financial support will be carried out according to CNRS accounting practices and completed after submission of all necessary documentation.
The users are requested to acknowledge the project and the support of the European Community for any results from the work carried out under the ENVRIplus TNA activity (publications, conference contributions, etc.). The results shall include the following statement:
“This [acronym of TNA research project] is part of the ENVRIplus project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 654182.”
Furthermore, the users are required to provide access to and to allow the use of data resulting from the work carried out under the TNA activity (exceptions might apply).