The Jerico Research Infrastructure ( wishes to announce that the first of 3 Transnational Access funding calls t...
Euro-Argo was present and highlighted Euro-Argo activities at the Virtual Sea Tech Week conference, organised by the Campus mond...
On 13 October 2020, the 1st EOOS Technology Forum was organized by EuroGOOS through its Technology Plan Working Group and hosted...
The European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC) is proud to announce that it has a new website. You will find information a...
The first call for proposals to access ACTRIS facilities is open. The ACTRIS IMP project offers limited opportunities for free-of-...
Following PaNOSC review meeting with the European Commission in June 2020, PANOSC is glad to release a brochure showcasing the pro...
The EOSC Governance Symposium 2020 was organized two weeks ago. The event was organized by the EOSC Executive & Governance Boa...