Calls & application procedure Four Calls are scheduled within EUROFLEETS+ 1 & 2) The Ship-time and marine E...
Pensoft Publishers Ltd is looking for a motivated and experienced professional to join our Communications team as a Senior Communi...
Organised as part of the Realising the European Open Science Cloud joint event by the EOSC-hub, FREYA and SSHOC projects, t...
Welcome to this Task Force 3 survey where we are collecting information about the current usage of globally unique and resolvable...
EuroGOOS summited the institutional response to the European Commission Inception Impact Assessment, Ocean Observation – Sharing...
Are you a scientist working in the areas of biodiversity, biogeochemistry, hydrology or socio-ecological research? Do you want to...
The meeting minutes from 1st Annual Meeting & 2nd Station Managers’ Forum in INTERACT III are now available for download. Al...
SIOS supports the transformation of datasets identified during the core data mapping as SIOS Core Data (SCD) candidates to FAIR da...
The Landscape Working Group (WG) of the EOSC Executive Board has surveyed and documented the landscape of infrastructures, initiat...
With a view to enhance the ACTRIS user strategy, we are promoting a survey to identify the past, current and future user needs and...