Register yourself to ENVRI-FAIR WP11 project meeting (January 27, 14:00 - January 28, 18:00) Registration is closed...
Communication and Partnership Relations Officer - Secretariat of the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) Cl...
Reflections by Robert Huber & Roman Schmitz-Wenzel MARUM, Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen, Le...
Publishing date: November 8th, 2019 Closing date: Vacancy will remain open until filled Vacancy Type of contract: Observatio...
NextGEOSS has a number of pilots using EGI cloud resources. Furthermore, NextGEOSS core services are hosted in the EGI cloud, for...
The Ocean Observations Conference (OceanObs) meets once in a decade to discuss the future and development needs of ocean science....
The research infrastructures that are being part of the EOSC-Life cluster project have several vacancies opened. EL...
La Palma on Canary islands was a place where intense discussions focusing on the future of European Research infrastructures took...
1. Timeline Opening of the call: 14th November 2019 Submission deadline: 15 th February 2020 (17:00 Rome local time) Fe...
After 51 months of hard work, ENVRIplus project is officially over. And it left a huge amount of results behind. Through an organi...