3rd edition of the ENVRIplus Newsletter is now ready. This issue gives an overview of several ENVRIplus results and products as w...
The 5th Nordic ENVRI workshop was organized at the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) in Longyearbyen from 5th to 7th of Septemb...
The European Center For Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) opened two interesting positions 1. Systems Architect - Copernic...
On 29th of September, The European Commission announced the legal formation of the European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water-c...
We are pleased to announce that version v2.1 of the ENVRI Reference Model has been released. You can find it at the well-known url...
ENVRI cluster invites all the environmental RI communities to participate in our activities ENVRI cluster encourages...
The University of Edinburgh, a partner organization in ENVRIplus, is looking for a Postdoctoral Research...